You be the Judge

The court records referenced below are extracted from Minnesota Sixth District Court File Number: 69DU-CV-08-2445

To verify accuracy, request the official court records in this case be published to the internet. To learn more about obtaining court records see The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

To see my complaint reproduce verbatim in its entirety, identifying information remove, follow the link below.  As you read bear in mind that the defense ADMITS my allegations ARE TRUE! (defendent's memorandum p3, last paragraph)

 See my complaint

To see defendant's memorandum in response to my complaint reproduced verbatim in its entirety, identifying information removed, follow the link below.  Relevant information begins on p 4.  Note that all reasonable effort was made to retain original format.  If it doesn't look right click (Page) then (Zoom) and adjust as necessary or slelect text then copy and paste into a word processor.

See defendant's memorandum

To see judge's memorandum explaining why my complaint was dismissed reproduced verbatim in its entirety, identifying information removed, follow the link below.

See judge's memorandum

The following links are provided so that visitors may conveniently locate official sources for Minnesota Statutes and Rules of Civil Procedure.

Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Rules of Civil  Procedure